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AllTime is installed on a PC within a surgery's network, usually the same machine that operates as the PAS main server. AllTime, once it has been configiured correctly, works seamlessly in the background, accessing the PAS patient database to determine and retrieve appointment data for reminders as and when they are due. Enviromental awareness is no alien to us. That is why whatever we do is in digital form and can really pack a punch in significantly decreasing the amount of carbon dioxide released in the atmosphere daily. Get rid of unwanted piles of paperwork and track everything from a smart system that is able to deliver its services at the lower possible costs. AllTime is available in two different product variants: All Time Text which is for surgeries who only require text messaging, and All Time Plus which has both text and voice messaging.
In the Reminder Time messaging window you have the option to use the default messaging script template or to create your own. This means that you can have different scripts for different purposes, each saved under a different name, up to a maximum of 99 scripts per account. Mass Upload is the term we use to describe our multiple messaging feature. Not applicable to the Alltime range of integrated systems, Mass Upload a web-based Shorttime user to send an identically scripted reminder message to several people at once, the only difference between messages being the appointment time and the time it is sent. Mass upload is achievable using three different methods, manual entry of recipients and their details, copy and paste from a correctly formatted spreadsheet or upload an XLS or CSV file. Once reminders are entered into the system they are validated before being loaded into the message queue. This gives the user realtime feedback on any errors in the construction of a reminder data table. Log in or create an account to access this.
There is no stop to the variety of services we provide and that is why we have been preparing for you 2-way voice messages on top of the already operating 2-way messaging services. Much like its predecessor, it allows two parties to arrange for schedules and appointments using our unique voice recognition software. Reminder Time has 2-way communication as standard, but what use is it unless you can see the results. In a Reminder Time account, the options SMS Audit and Voice Audit (accessed under the Make a Reminder option) allow a user to check if a reply has been received and what the response to the reminder was. Reminder Time is now able to provide text AND voice reminders in 50 different languages and up to 15 dialects, making it a truly international class product, essential for any business that wants to be considered globally active. These numbers are subject to increase, expanding the capabilities of our products.
How do we keep your reminders safe? All our integrated systems which generate PINs which are sent to patients and are used to view their reminders follow a complex algorithm to ensure these numbers are closely monitored and changed if necessary. PINs and reminders are either sent by SMS or landline to meet our customers' devices capabilities. Our algorithm makes sure that generated PINs, either manually by the operators of our integrated systems or automatically, take into account the human factor, such as misspelling, hyphenation, need for change of code etc.
Reminder Time is offering monthly subscription for free for charities and clubs. We believe that Reminder Time offers huge benefits, not only in directly addressing members or organisations who you need to keep in touch with events and meetings, but also in the promotion of your events to the local community.
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